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I got all the cards, I get the Thank You for Playing frame, and now I had a lot of avocado cards lying on the floor of my shop. Kudos! Especially for the BGM - it is soothing.


Cool game, could be better if the combos actually had a use, I found inconsistencies in trying to use items that go well together

sometimes it looks like they take items that work good together, then I noticed they sometimes only take the one item itself then just buy it alone

Then another time I noticed they took 2 of the Salmon which is $15 each twice so I got double

In all honesty, it's still best to go with the highest priced items & the higher rarity items serve no purpose in the current version that's on itch-io

The many combos that I have tried included, Water, Milk, Cereal, Coffee Beans & Oats, all of which compliment one another in some way, then other times with Butter, Steak, Salmon, Salt, Pepper & Potato in at different intervals & still people took mostly one item

So the maximum efficiency for this game is to just used the highest priced items, rarity actually means nothing other than hardest to obtain but don't help you in the end game for better money output either

Where is the background music from? It's so relaxed.... I love it!

All the audio assets were created by Ben Nissimov for this game, I'm currently asking if he has any links I can guide people to :)

Cool stuff. The music of this game isn't there tho. Is it intentional?

just posted and made available for download:


What is the rarity system's key? Is red the rarest, or most common for example?

brown -> green -> neon yellow -> red (most rare)